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The 2024 Spring Festival Shandong Rural Cultural Tourism Festival and Qixia City's "Two Festivals, Four Collections, and Four Competitions" series of activities were launched in Qixia City, Shandong Province, China

2024-01-29 12:25:00


On the morning of January 25th, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Spring Festival Shandong Rural Cultural Tourism Festival and the "Two Festivals, Four Episodes, and Four Competitions" series of activities was successfully held at the North Square of Moushi Manor in Qixia City.

Officials from the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Agriculture and Rural Bureau, the Education and Sports Bureau, the Commerce Bureau, and the Yuanrong Group will introduce the 2024 Spring Festival Shandong Rural Cultural Tourism Festival and the Qixia City "Two Festivals, Four Collections, and Four Competitions" series of activities to the audience in accordance with their respective departmental responsibilities. It is understood that this year Qixia City will anchor the overall goal of "ecological city building, cultural and tourism city revitalization", firmly grasp the favorable opportunities to hold the "Rural Cultural Tourism Festival", deeply cultivate the four major sectors of "appreciating festival customs", "tasting Jiaodong New Year flavors", "enjoying handmade selection", and "tourism fruit city customs" to organize rich activities, and stimulate the vitality of rural cultural tourism and culture.

In order to promote the development of the cultural and tourism industry, Qixia City has hired Jia Yanhua, a national senior tour guide, an excellent tour guide from Yantai, and a travel blogger with millions of fans online, as the Qixia Cultural and Tourism Promotion Ambassador. An appointment letter has been issued, inviting foreign friends from Russia, Thailand, and Nigeria to share the "Cultural Collection", fully leveraging the network resources and public opinion of overseas groups, and expanding Qixia's "circle of friends", Enhance the overseas awareness and influence of this Qixia Cultural Tourism Festival.

The launch ceremony of this rural cultural tourism festival is rich in content and diverse in forms. The song and dance performances and theatrical singing segments brought by the Municipal Cultural Center and Lv Opera Troupe ignited the atmosphere at the event, and the audience cheered one after another. On site, the attending leaders presented four "moral models and representatives of good people" with original Spring Festival couplets written by city calligraphers, and visited the "Jiaodong New Year Flavor on the Pen Tip" and "Jiaodong New Year Flavor on the Fingertip" series of intangible cultural heritage handmade products, as well as booths for New Year's goods festivals, technology consulting, agricultural products, supermarkets, health checkups, etc. They tasted the "Jiaodong New Year Flavor on the Tongue" series of delicacies and the unique Qixia style exhibition area, Ignite the enthusiasm of the masses to participate and bring the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

This event also set up two venues at Fanjia Village Square in Zhuangyuan Street and Chaoxi Street in Cuiping Street. (Author Luan Qincheng)


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